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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-30 共3002字


【2.1 - 2.4】幼儿每日各种营养素的摄入量状况 

  摘 要

  人体是通过食用各种食物来获取维持生命、促进生长发育的基本物质的,因此,所食用食物的质和量就直接的影响着儿童的生长发育。3-6 岁是人一生中身体生长发育的关键期,体格、智力的充分发育需要以科学、合理的膳食营养供给作为物质的保障,同时,它也是提高幼儿身体免疫力和健康状况,防止疾病的重要条件。这一阶段的儿童在膳食营养的数量和质量方面有着更高的要求。所以,我们需对幼儿的膳食营养进行相关研究,以保障幼儿的健康成长。



  论文选择保定市3 所私立幼儿园,对这3所幼儿园幼儿的在园膳食情况采用记账法,调查一个月摄入的全部食物种类和数量;发放就餐人数调查表,记录一日三餐和加餐的就餐人数,然后运用聪慧幼儿园营养分析系统进行数据分析,发现当前幼儿园膳食营养的状况是:钙、锌元素普遍缺乏,豆类摄入不足,优质蛋白所占比重较低,个别幼儿园依旧存在能量摄入不足的情况。同时对 100 名幼儿家长进行关于幼儿饮食习惯的访谈,了解幼儿饮食中存在的一些问题,从我国的传统饮食、幼儿主体和幼儿园本身来分析出现这种状况的原因。在对幼儿园膳食营养现状和原因分析的基础上,提出相对的建议,以求改善幼儿的膳食营养状况。


  关键词 幼儿 膳食调查 膳食营养 记账法


  The human body is by eating a variety of foods to get the sustain life, and promote thegrowth and development of the basic material and, therefore, the quality and quantity of foodconsumed directly affects the growth and development of children. 3-6 years is the criticalperiod of human life, physical growth and development, and the full development of physicaland intellectual needs to be scientific and rational dietary supply of material as a guarantee, atthe same time, it is also enhance the body immunity and child health, prevent diseaseimportant condition. Children at this stage, they have a higher intake of dietary quantity andquality requirements. Therefore, we need to make children's dietary studies, in order to protectchildren healthy growth.

  I practice during a private kindergarten for three months, found that there are someproblems meal kindergarten children: a small species, more or less supply, catering is notreasonable, etc., causing the author's interest in nutrition, diet, as a basis, I began to review therelevant literature and books, understanding and reasonable dietary situation and findcommon dietary problem in many kindergartens.

  Choose paper Baoding three private kindergartens, these three kindergarten children inthe garden using the accounting method dietary circumstances, the investigation of all typesand quantity of food intake month; the number of paid survey dining table, three meals a dayand processing records The number of meals to eat, and then use intelligent kindergartennutrition analysis system for data analysis and found that the current situation is that dietarykindergarten: a general lack of calcium, zinc, inadequate intake of legumes, less theproportion of high-quality protein, individual kindergarten persists insufficient energy intake.

  While the parents of 100 children were interviewed about the eating habits of children, youngchildren understand some of the problems that exist in the diet, from China's traditional diet,children's body and kindergarten itself to analyze the reasons for this situation. Based on thecurrent situation and the reasons for kindergarten dietary analysis, make recommendationsrelative, in order to improve the nutritional status of children's diets.

  This article altogether is divided into three chapters: the first chapter is introduction,mainly elaborated the research background, significance of this study, the related researchliterature review, research problems and the method, relevant concepts and theoretical supportsurvey design; The second chapter is the results of the study and analysis, mainly from theaverage daily intake of various nutrients, heat distribution of food sources and heat sources ofnutrients, and protein food source distribution analysis of dietary nutrition status, and toexplore the related reasons; In the third chapter is the conclusion and the suggestion,according to the result of research, summarized and concluded, and puts forward somerelative suggestions.

  Key word Infant dietary survey dietary nutrition bookkeeping

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景

  1.1.1 社会发展的需要

  1.1.2 幼儿发展的需要

  1.1.3 幼儿园膳食供给状况

  1.1.4 幼儿的不良习惯

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 引起对幼儿膳食营养的关注

  1.2.2 促进幼儿园膳食营养的改善

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 国外研究现状

  1.3.2 国内研究现状

  1.4 研究问题

  1.5 研究方法

  1.5.1 研究方法的选取

  1.5.2 研究对象的选取

  1.5.3 研究工具

  1.6 相关概念的界定

  1.6.1 膳食营养

  1.6.2 幼儿膳食营养

  1.6.3 合理营养

  1.6.4 营养素

  1.6.5 营养素的供给量

  1.7 理论基础

  1.7.1 中国居民膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔

  1.7.2 中国 0-6 岁儿童膳食指南

  1.7.3 营养平衡理论

  1.8 研究设计

  1.8.1 调查目的

  1.8.2 调查对象

  1.8.3 调查内容设计

  1.8.4 数据分析

  第 2 章 研究结果与分析

  2.1 平均每人每日各种营养素的摄入量状况

  2.2 热能营养素来源分布状况

  2.3 热能食物来源分布状况

  2.4 蛋白质食物来源分布

  2.5 分析

  2.5.1 历史因素

  2.5.2 幼儿园的客体因素

  2.5.3 幼儿的主体因素

  第 3 章 结论与建议

  3.1 结论

  3.2 建议

  3.2.1 伙食费专款专用

  3.2.2 补充钙、锌含量丰富的食物

  3.2.3 补充优质蛋白,多食豆类及豆制品

  3.2.4 提高厨房的烹调工艺

  3.2.5 C 园增加热量

  3.2.6 纠正不良饮食习惯

  3.3 不足之处

  结 语


  致 谢

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