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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-14 共3956字

【题目】 膝关节骨性关节炎患者运用EQ-5D量表的效果探析
  目 录
  1 前言
  1.1 选题依据
  1.2 研究目的及意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 研究任务
  1.4 文献综述
  1.4.1 膝骨性关节炎的研究进展
  1.4.2 在 KOA 领域中引入生活质量评价的必要性和可行性
  1.4.3 生活质量量表相关介绍
  2 研究对象及方法
  2.1 研究对象
  2.1.1 对象来源
  2.1.2 纳入标准
  2.1.3 排除标准
  2.1.4 样本含量估计
  2.2 研究方法
  2.2.1 文献资料法
  2.2.2 专家访谈法
  2.2.3 调查法
  2.2.4 数理统计法
  3 研究结果
  3.1 样本的一般特征
  3.2 基本测试结果
  3.3 信度分析
  3.3.1 内部一致性系数
  3.3.2 重测信度
  3.3.3 复本信度
  3.4 效度分析
  3.4.1 内容效度
  3.4.2 结构效度
  3.4.3 效标效度
  4 讨论与分析
  4.1 EQ-5D 量表的可行性分析
  4.2 EQ-5D 量表的信度分析
  4.2.1 内部一致性系数
  4.2.2 重测信度
  4.2.3 复本信度
  4.3 EQ-5D 量表的效度分析
  4.3.1 内容效度
  4.3.2 结构效度
  4.3.3 效标效度
  5 结论
  致 谢

  应用EQ-5Q量表以及SF-36量表对KOA患者的生活质量进行评价,通过与SF-36量表的比较分析,探讨 EQ-5D 量表在膝关节骨性关节炎领域的信度和效度。
  以北京市老年医院骨性关节炎门诊患者及其合作的社区中已确诊的膝关节骨性关节炎患者为研究对象进行量表调查。成立量表调查小组,对小组进行量表调查的培训。调查过程:对 KOA 患者进行 MMES 量表的填写,进行受试者的筛选;对 KOA患者进行 EQ-5D 量表以及 SF-36 量表的填写,每次调查均采用一对一问答形式,要求调查者每次询问方式保持一致,确保受试者理解量表内容再记录答案,保证实验结果的准确性。EQ-5D 量表先后进行两次填写,两次间隔时间两周;对调查结果进行数据的整理与录入。通过内在等级相关系数评价量表的重测信度、Cronbach's α系数来评定 EQ-5D 量表的内部一致性、用 Pearson 相关系数分析测试者间信度;条目的得分与总分的相关分析检验内容效度,比较分析 EQ-5D 量表及 SF-36 量表的相关性测量效标效度。
  1、量表的可行性:本次共收集 150 个受试者,EQ-5D 量表实际回收并有效完成 141例,有效回收率为 94%,平均测试时间为 3 分钟,EQ-5D 量表具有可行性。
  (1)内部一致性信度:本研究 EQ-5D 量表 Cronbach's α系数为 0.822.
  (2)重测信度:行动、照顾自己、日常活动、疼痛、焦虑、VAS 的 Spearman 相关系数分别是 0.770(P<0.01)、0.753(P<0.01)、0.845(P<0.01)、0.778(P<0.01)、0.486(P<0.01)、0.769(P<0.01),焦虑的相关性最低在 0.486,其他维度的相关系数范围在 0.75~0.9 之间。
  (3)复本信度:问卷 1 与 VAS1 为 0.586(P<0.01)、问卷 1 与问卷 2 为 0.885(P<0.01)、问卷 1 与 VAS2 为 0.624(P<0.01)、问卷 2 与 VAS2 为 0.635(P<0.01)。
  (1)内容效度:经专家小组讨论分析,EQ-5D 量表具有较好的内容效度;行动、照顾自己、日常活动、疼痛、焦虑与抑郁与总分的 Spearman 相关性系数分别为-0.62(P<0.01)、-0.320(P<0.01)、-0.246(P<0.05)、-0.840(P<0.01)、-0.462(P<0.01)、VAS 与总分的 Spearman 相关性系数为 0.586(P<0.01)。
  (2)结构效度:行动与照顾自己、日常活动、疼痛、焦虑、VAS 的相关系数是分别为 0.329、0.463(P<0.01)、0.311(P<0.01)、0.103(P>0.05)、-0.306(P<0.01)。行动与焦虑相关性不具有显着性;照顾自己与日常活动、疼痛、焦虑 VAS 的相关系数是分别是 0.171(P>0.05)、0.295(P<0.01)、0.053(P>0.05、-0.173(P>0.05)。日常活动能力与疼痛、焦虑、VAS 相关系数为 0.229(P>0.05)、-0.124(P>0.05)、-0.262(P<0.01)。
  (3)效标效度:焦虑与总体健康、精神健康、SF-36 总分、活力、社会功能、情感职能相关系数是-0.365、-0.262、-0.316、-0.451、-0.438、-0.438;VAS 与 SF-36 量表的精神健康相关系数是 0.308,与 SF-36 量表总分的相关系数是 0.354.
  (1)EQ-5D 量表具有良好的内部一致性、重测信度以及复本信度。EQ-5D 量表测试结果具有较高的可靠性,在膝关节骨性关节炎领域具有较高的信度。
  (2)EQ-5D 量表的内容效度高、结构效度较好,与 SF-36 的效标效度一般。
  (3)EQ-5D 量表对评价 KOA 患者生活质量具有较高的信度及可接受的效度。
  关键词:EQ-5D 量表;膝关节骨性关节炎;信度;效度


  Application of EQ-5Q scale and the MOS item short from health survey(SF-36)in patientswith KOA, comparison and analysis the data between EQ-5D and SF-36 scale, studyEQ-5D 's reliability and validity in the field of knee osteoarthritis.
  In the investigation ,we can see that the knee osteoarthritis patients have beendiagnosed in elderly osteoarthritis patients and BeiJing elderly hospital as the researchobject.The establishment of scale investigation team, for the survey of group training.Theinvestigation process:The patients of KOAwith MMES scale, selection of subjects; thepatients of KOA with EQ-5D scale and SF-36 scale to fill in each survey are used, one toone question and answer form, require investigators ask each time line, to ensure that thesubjects understand the scale content and then record the answer, ensure the accuracy ofthe experimental results.The EQ-5D scale has carried out two times to fill in, the two timeinterval of two weeks; every time the end of the investigation were collected and the dataentry.Through the internal rank correlation coefficient evaluation scale test-retest reliability,Cronbach 's alpha coefficient to evaluate the EQ-5D scale internal consistency, Pearsoncorrelation coefficient analysis test interrater reliability; scores and total scores of entries ofcorrelation analysis test content validity, comparative analyses of correlation measurementschool EQ-5D scale and SF-36 scale standard validity.
  1,The feasibility of scale:The collected a total of 150 subjects, the EQ-5D scale actualrecovery and effective completion of 141 cases, the effective rate of recovery is 94%, theaverage test time is 3 minutes, EQ-5D scale has feasibility.
  2,The reliability of the scale:
  (1) The internal consistency reliability:In this study, EQ-5D scale Cronbach 'factor salpha coefficient was 0.822, indicating that EQ-5D scale has good internal consistencyreliability.
  (2) The test-retest reliability: action, take care of yourself, daily activities, pain,anxiety, VAS intra class correlation coefficients were 0.770 (P<0.01), 0.753 (P<0.01),0.845 (P<0.01), 0.778 (P<0.01), 0.486 (P<0.01), 0.769 (P<0.01), anxiety related minimumwithin class in 0.486, the other dimensions of the correlation coefficient between the rangeof 0.75~0.9.
  (3)Acopy of reliability: a questionnaire of 1 and VAS1 was 0.586 (P<0.01), 1 and 2for the 0.885 questionnaire questionnaire (P<0.01), a questionnaire of 1 and VAS2 was0.624 (P<0.01), a questionnaire of 2 and VAS2 was 0.635 (P<0.01)。
  3, The validity of the:
  (1)The content validity analysis: discussion by the panel, the EQ-5D scale has goodcontent validity; action, take care of yourself, Spearman correlation coefficient of dailyactivity, pain, anxiety and depression and the scores were -0.62 (P<0.01), -0.320 (P<0.01),-0.246 (P< 0.05), -0.840 (P<0.01), -0.462 Spearman (P<0.01), correlation coefficient VASand the score was 0.586 (P<0.01)。
  (2) Construct validity: the correlation coefficient of action and take care of yourself,daily activities, pain, anxiety, VAS is respectively 0.329, 0.463 (P<0.01), 0.311 (P<0.01),0.103 (P>0.05), -0.306 (P<0.01)。 The correlation between action and anxiety hassignificant correlation coefficient; take care of their daily activities, pain, anxiety and VASis respectively 0.171 (P>0.05), 0.295 (P<0.01), 0.053 (P>0.05, -0.173 (P>0.05)。 The abilityto perform daily activities associated with pain, anxiety, VAS coefficient is 0.229 (P>0.05),-0.124 (P>0.05), -0.262 (P<0.01)。
  (3) The criterion validity: anxiety and overall health, mental health, the total score ofSF-36, vitality, social function, emotional function correlation coefficient is -0.365, -0.262,-0.316, -0.451, -0.438, -0.438; 0.308 is the mental health related coefficient VAS andSF-36 scale, and the correlation coefficient of SF-36 total score was 0.354.
  Conclusions :
  (1)The EQ-5D scale has good internal consistency, test-retest reliability and copyreliability. EQ-5D scale testing result has high reliability, the reliability is high inosteoarthritis of the knee area.
  (2)The EQ-5D content validity is high, good construct validity, and criterion validityof general SF-36.
  (3)The EQ-5D scale of reliability with high quality of life in patients with KOAandacceptable validity evaluation.
  Key words: EQ-5D scale; knee osteoarthritis; reliability; validity
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