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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-22 共3630字
  目 录
  1 前言
  1.1 选题依据
  1.2 研究目的、意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 研究任务
  1.4 文献综述
  1.4.1 相关的概念
  1.4.2 体育课程的性质
  1.4.3 我国建国以来中小学体育课程改革的发展状况
  1.4.4 我国中小学体育课程改革取得的突出成就
  2 研究对象与方法
  2.1 研究对象
  2.2 研究方法
  2.2.1 文献资料法
  2.2.2 实地考察法
  2.2.3 问卷调查法
  2.2.4 访谈法
  2.2.5 数理统计法
  2.2.6 逻辑分析法
  3 研究结果与分析
  3.1 清华附小体育课程改革前
  3.2 清华附小体育课程改革的背景、目标及口号
  3.2.1 清华附小体育课程改革的背景
  3.2.2 清华附小体育课程改革的目标
  3.2.3 清华附小体育课程改革的口号
  3.3 清华附小体育课程改革的内容分析
  3.3.1 清华附小体育课程改革“每天体育三个一”
  3.3.2 特殊天气下的应对计划
  3.4 清华附小体育课程改革的教学现状与分析
  3.4.1 体育课程改革后教学目标的完成情况
  3.4.2 体育课程改革后开设的选修课程
  3.4.3 体育课程改革后教学的组织形式
  3.4.4 体育课程改革后学生成绩的评定方法
  3.4.5 体育课程改革后体育课对学生的影响
  3.4.6 体育课程改革后课外体育活动的开展情况
  3.4.7 体育课程改革后教学教材的选用情况
  3.5 影响清华附小体育课程改革的因素
  3.5.1 清华附小的师资队伍
  3.5.2 行政部门对清华附小体育课程改革的态度
  3.5.3 清华附小教学硬件设施的配备情况
  3.6 清华附小在体育课程改革中存在的问题
  3.6.1 清华附小体育课程改革的教学现状
  3.6.2 影响体育教师投入课程改革的因素
  3.6.3 清华附小场地、器材的限制性
  4 结论与建议
  4.1 结论
  4.2 建议
  致 谢

  随着我国教育的不断发展,体育课程改革随着基础教育改革的全面推进而进入改革的浪潮中。2011 年 1 月我国教育部最新出台了《体育与健康课程标准》。
  这一标准的颁布与实施标志着体育课程在教学领域中的重要地位,还强调了体育课程的不可替代性。2012 年是清华大学附属小学(以下简称清华附小)体育课程改革的起始阶段,清华附小依据新课标提出的学校体育教学内容“有弹性的”
  指导方针并结合清华附小学生的具体情况,提出了发展目标。2013 年,清华附小体育组推出了“晨练微课堂”,即“X 课程”.这是为清华附小的学生提供了一个自主锻炼的平台。在这个平台里,学生们可以根据自己的需求及爱好自主选择、自主锻炼、自主发展、自我管理。在进入 2014 年后,清华附小体育组又提出“1+X”的模式。“1”是整合后的国家体育课程:清华附小体育组提出增加体育课时数,要求每个班级一周 5 节体育课,即每天 1 节体育课,其中 3 节上国家规定课程,1 节开展足球专项训练,促进学校品牌特色发展,还有 1 节开设体育自主选修课程,自主选修课程也有原来的八项添加至九项,增加了一门武术课。“X”课程也由原来的“晨练微课程”转变为“晨练微课堂+健身大课间”.至此,清华附小体育初步建立了体育“1+X 课程”体系。
  In recent years, along with a comprehensive reform of physical education topromote basic education reform into the wave of reform. January 2011 of the Ministryof Education formulated and promulgated the “Sports and Health curriculumstandards.” The promulgation and implementation of this standard marks an importantposition in the field of physical education curriculum in teaching, but also emphasizesthe physical education curriculum is irreplaceable. 2012 Tsinghua UniversityPreparatory School (hereinafter referred to as Tsinghua school to) the initial stage ofphysical education curriculum reform, Tsinghua school to school physical educationcontent according to the New Curriculum's “flexible” guidelines attached to thespecific circumstances of Tsinghua students proposed the development goals. 2013,Tsinghua school to sports groups launched a “micro classroom Morning” that “Xcourse.” This is for the school to students of Tsinghua University provides a platformfor independent exercise. In this platform, students can choose according to theirneeds and preferences, self-training, self-development, self-management. Afterentering 2014, Tsinghua school to sports group also proposed “1 + X” pattern. “1” is anational sports program after integration: Qinghua school to sports group's proposal toincrease the number of hours of sport, requiring each class section 5 physicaleducation a week, that is a daily physical education, which the state on three courses,one to carry the football special training, and promote the development of schoolbrand characteristics, as well as an open sports autonomous elective courses,independent elective courses have added to the original eight to nine, an increase of amartial arts class. “X” courses from the “Morning micro programs” to “Morningmicro classroom + Fitness large recess.” So far, the university sports school to theinitial establishment of “1 + x course” system.
  In this paper, Tsinghua sports school to teachers and students for the survey, withTsinghua University Preparatory School Physical Education Curriculum Reform forthe study. The use of literature, field visits, questionnaires, interviews, statistics, logicanalysis and other research methods to the status quo Tsinghua school to sportscurriculum reform conduct research, summarize Tsinghua school to get in the physicaleducation curriculum reform process results , Tsinghua school to identify the factorsaffecting physical education curriculum reform, and objective corresponding solutionsproposed to advance along the scientific and rational direction.
  Through the school to sports curriculum reform Tsinghua investigation analysisthe following conclusions:
  1, Tsinghua school to open in the sports curriculum reform independent electives,breaking the traditional Chinese sport of track and field and a single teaching classes,so that students master more sports skills, physical education curriculum contentbecomes colorful.
  2, Tsinghua school to the university's football program as a brand special courses,football courses allows students to promote this has generated strong interest inimproving the students' degree of passion for football, the better to promote thedevelopment of football in our country.
  3, “Morning micro classroom” and “fitness large recess” independent open teachingmode, broaden students 'development, attracting more students independently,actively engaged in physical exercise, train the students' lifelong sports “consciousness.
  4, Tsinghua school to sports teacher shortages, excessive workload, the relatively lowremuneration is an important factor Tsinghua school to sports curriculum reform.
  5, school-related departments and school leadership attention, space, equipmentdeficiency is hindered, the key factor restricting the development of Tsinghua schoolto sports curriculum reform.
  Keywords: Tsinghua Fuxiao; sports curriculum reform; 1 + X;
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