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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-02 共2852字








  With the continuous development of society, there is growing emphasis on theconstruction of spiritual pursuit,countries are paying more attention to the construction ofspiritual civilization, so more and more public service ads appear in the public.It bears thedissemination of information to the community, advocate a civilized way of life, enhance thepeople's cultural awareness, promote the harmonious development of society. Outdoor PSAsexcept to show content of PSAs, it constitutes a part of the city, represents the spirit of acity.Excellent outdoor PSAs conducive to shaping the city external image, and plays a hugerole for people's moral cultivation. Our PSAs started late, the current situation is notoptimistic for the sake of management model obsolete reasons, also government departmentsdo not pay attention, and there are many problems in the design. Outdoor PSAs want todevelop, design itself can not rely on force to solve, but through management, be possible tomake the PSAs currently struggling to get a positive rapid career development .

  This paper intends to study the theory of multi- disciplinary arts, advertising, urbanplanning, psychology, marketing, communication, management, etc. as a guide, based on thetheoretical research and empirical analysis.Through the investigaton of the status of outdoorPSAs of Zhengzhou's main road, Depth analysis of the outdoor PSAs development problemsand the causes of problems. from the design of strategic management, organizationalmanagement, process management three big respect spread the research. Strategicmanagement research the needs of the target audience, and the management to ensure therealization of the strategic objectives; design organization management study the mode ofoperation and the organizational structure; design process management embarked on thedesign process from the selection of themes, creative design, environment and designassessment.And always combine Zhengzhou historical and cultural conditions, learn from thesuccessful experience of foreign PSAs design and management models,to provide effectiveways and means for urban PSAs construction and civilized image building.

  Keywords: Public service ads; outdoor environment;Design management


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国内户外公益广告相关研究

  1.2.2 国外户外公益广告相关研究

  1.2.3 国内外设计管理相关研究

  1.3 研究内容与研究方法

  第二章 概念界定

  2.1 户外公益广告概念界定

  2.1.1 公益广告的定义

  2.1.2 户外广告的定义

  2.1.3 户外公益广告的定义

  2.1.4 户外公益广告的作用

  2.2 管理及设计管理的概念

  2.2.1 管理的概念

  2.2.2 设计管理的概念

  2.2.3 设计管理的研究范畴

  第三章 郑州市户外公益广告现状调查与分析

  3.1 郑州市户外公益广告现状调查

  3.1.1 调查目的

  3.1.2 调查范围

  3.1.3 调查时间

  3.1.4 调查方法

  3.2 郑州市户外公益广告现状

  3.2.1 主要区域分布情况

  3.2.2 主要道路两厢分布情况

  3.3 郑州市户外公益广告存在的问题

  3.3.1 广告创意水平普遍不高

  3.3.2 媒介选择比较单一

  3.3.3 与周围环境不协调

  3.3.4 缺乏城市文化特色

  3.4 存在问题的原因分析

  3.4.1 政府部门多头管理,没有专业的公益广告组织机构

  3.4.2 企业积极性不高,资金来源没有保障

  3.4.3 公益广告资源没有被充分利用

  3.4.4 法律法规建设不完善

  第四章 郑州市户外公益广告设计战略管理

  4.1 以受众为导向,重视受众需求

  4.2 结合郑州市城市文化

  4.3 建立公益广告市场化发展模式

  4.3.1 建立多层次的公益广告资金保障体系

  4.3.2 推行广告代理制

  4.4 完善公益广告法规建设

  第五章 郑州市户外公益广告设计组织管理

  5.1 户外公益广告的运行模式

  5.1.1 国外公益广告运行模式

  5.1.2 国内公益广告运行模式

  5.1.3 公益广告运行模式成功经验借鉴

  5.2 郑州市户外公益广告组织结构管理

  5.2.1 确定政府、企业等参与者的职责

  5.2.2 成立独立的管理机构

  第六章 郑州市户外公益广告设计过程管理

  6.1 提高设计创意水平

  6.1.1 主题明确,贴近生活

  6.1.2 突破二维的表现形式,增强表现力

  6.2 充分利用新媒体及对传统媒体的新运用

  6.3 统筹设置,因地制宜

  6.4 建立长效稳定的测评机制




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