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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-23 共1829字

【题目】 消费欺诈司法实践中遇到的困境研究
【引言 第一章】消费欺诈与民事欺诈的含义
  摘 要
  In the contract law, fraud is defect of declaration. In an informationsociety, to mislead the public as a fraudulent act, it is a typical unfaircompetition. Particularly in the consumer field, consumer fraud makes itdifficult for consumers to obtain satisfactory products and services, andviolates consumers' right to know and to fair trade in a considerable degree.
  Thus, consumer fraud issues should be given adequate attention, and theconcept should not be confused with the general civil fraud. In China, atpresent, the main consumer fraud provisions of the consumer protectionlaw and consumer fraud penalties, the standard are not mentioned in thelevel of existing laws and regulations. Also, in academia there is greatunderstanding variation in the relationship between consumer fraud andcivil fraud, “consistent meaning” claims that only as a result of intentionalfraud operators that consumers fall into error, and thus make the intention,which is considered as consumer fraud, when “different meaning” deemsthat consumer fraud and civil fraud in the civil law and contract law shouldhave different meanings. On the other hand, there are many problems in thejudicial practice of consumer fraud, which has seriously affected thefairness and justice of legal authority and the society. This paperindividually analyzes and compares the consumer fraud standards, andpresents through four aspects-- “operator subjective condition”, “operatorobjective behavior”, “consumer intention and causality”, and ultimatelyconcludes that consumer fraud is a behavior due to the operator subjectiveintent or gross negligence and objectively implement the fraud, thusencourage consumers to make the wrong behavior of intentions. Byclarifying and refining the standards of consumer fraud, it should restorethe proper system function and value, thus to provide clear and convincingjudicial practice ideas.
  KEY WORDS:the consumer protection law;fraud;causality;operator

  目 录
  引 言
  结 论
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