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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-09 共2922字

【题目】 我国水资源管理体制存在的不足探析
  摘 要
  Water is the Source of Life, ecological base, production should be, as everyoneknows,because of China's water resources there is uneven, the per consumption, seriouspollution problems of temporal and spatial distribution of water resources management, it hasbecome a social problem we are concerned, in the field of law, the legal system of waterresources has also been associated with as one of the most important problems in the researchof economic law, how to improve and perfect the legal system of China's waterresources management has become an important part in the research of water resources.
  In December 31, 2010, the country according to the current situation of water resourcesand puts forward the most strict water resources management system, implementation isdetermined in the form of a document and security of the system, on the allocation of waterresources, intensive and protection of the “three links”, and the “three line”, “foursystem”strict management standards to achieve water protection of resources. The most strictwater resources management system provides strong support for the national system of waterresources protection and management, legal system should be based on this perspective tostudy water resources management in china.
  In order to improve our legal system of water resources management, to realize thesustainable development of water resources management, water resources management in ourcountry through the existing legal system as the research foundation, on the basis of the moststringent water management system is studied from the perspective of the law system ofChina's water resources management method, try to find the shortcomings in the existing legalprovisions and practice. Firstly, a theoretical analysis of China's legal system ofwater resources management and the most strict water resources managementsystem, demonstrates the feasibility of conducting the research on water resourcesmanagement system, then the history and status of China's legal system of water resourcesmanagement are summarized, and then from the test with the most stringent watermanagement system “four system” to start, focus on the analysis of China's legal system ofwater resources management in the four aspects of the system, after analysis of three watershortage countries implement water resources management legal system,combined withthe actual situation of our country learn from the successful experience of the strict waterresources management system in our country, aiming at water resources managementsystem,put forward the suggestion of perfecting the legal system of water resourcesmanagement.
  Keywords: Water Resources Management; Strictest Water Resources Management; Legal system;Water Resources Protection

  目 录
  1. 选题背景
  2. 选题来源
  3. 选题意义
  1. 国内现状
  2. 国外现状
  1. 研究内容
  2. 创新之处
  1. 研究思路
  2. 研究方法
  一、 中国水资源管理法律制度概述
  1. 水资源管理法律制度法理基础考察
  2. 最严格水资源管理制度的提出与内涵
  1. 中国水资源管理法律制度历史沿革
  2. 中国水资源管理法律制度现状
  1. 行政区域管理部门之间职权划分问题分析
  2. 流域管理部门与行政区域管理部门之间职权划分问题分析
  1. 需水管理理念转变问题分析
  2. 节约用水法律制度问题分析
  3. 水价改革法律制度问题分析
  1. 水功能区管理缺少协调管理法律制度
  2. 水功能区公众参与法律制度缺失
  1. 水资源管理责任分配方面问题分析
  2. 各级水务部门考核制度缺失
  四、 中国水资源管理法律制度完善建议
  1. 明确行政管理部门之间的职权划分
  2. 明确流域管理部门与行政区域管理部门之间的职权划分
  1. 深化与需水管理相适应的管理法律制度改革
  2. 完善节约用水法律制度
  3. 完善水价改革法律制度
  1. 完善水功能区协调管理法律制度
  2. 健全水功能区监督管理中的公众参与法律制度
  1. 明确水行政管理部门之间管理责任和分工
  2. 逐级细化各级考核标准及制定考核责任规章
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