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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-05 共2101字
  摘 要
  关键词:危机公关 微博 麦当劳 星巴克
  Although many operation Weibo enterprises have crisis consciousness, but mostenterprises are not big to successfully resolve the crisis of confidence. Although the crisiswill bring heavy losses, but once the enterprises to seize the opportunity will be able tochange, improve the visibility, the crisis will turn for the better. In times of crisis,responsible and sincere attitude is the basis to obtain the public trust, and resolve thecrisis method is accurate and timely, the main factor to win the crisis is the basicattributes and the public to grasp the psychology of Weibo.
  The main factors through the analysis of enterprise brand crisis coping in Weiboemerging challenges and impact of the crisis public relations, the McDonald's andStarbucks this kind of famous brand enterprises in response to the crisis public relationsof Weibo example analysis, to explore the crisis enterprises should use what way toresolve the reconstruction strategy, and corporate brand image, effective crisismanagement.
  This article explains the background and significance of the topic, and then it will beused in the enterprise crisis public relations theory summarized, used to parse theMcDonald's and Starbucks two enterprises in the face of crisis strategy, and analyzes thetwo corporate crisis public relations strategy, find out the more suitable for enterprises todeal with the crisis event public relations strategy. At the same time, according to the twolarge enterprises of different strategies, analytical Weibo this platform to the twocompanies in dealing with crisis events bring challenges and opportunities.
  Key Words: Crisis public relationship Weibo McDonald Starbucks

  目 录
  0.1 选题的背景和意义
  0.1.1 选题的背景
  0.1.2 文本的研究意义
  0.2 研究的现状
  0.2.1 关于危机传播的研究
  0.2.2 关于品牌危机的研究
  0.2.3 关于企业微博传播的研究
  0.3 研究方向
  0.4 研究方法
  1 企业在微博平台上的品牌危机公关管理
  1.1 微博上对企业品牌危机的新解读
  1.1.1 企业品牌危机特征
  1.1.2 微博对品牌危机传播的挑战
  1.2 微博平台上企业品牌危机管理之道
  1.2.1 危机传播的关键因素
  1.2.2 微博平台上企业品牌危机的管理方法
  2 麦当劳在微博平台上的危机公关
  2.1 “央视 3.15 晚会曝光麦当劳”案例
  2.1.1 麦当劳被曝光事件回顾
  2.1.2 麦当劳被曝光事件在微博上的发展趋势分析
  2.2 麦当劳微博危机公关策略
  2.2.1 第一时间极速做出回应
  2.2.2 打造标准公关体博文
  2.3 危机化解分析
  2.3.1 快速做出回应,表明企业态度
  2.3.2 界定问题,切割危机
  2.3.3 弱化大众质疑,将关注点转移
  2.3.4 争取利益群体的理解
  2.4 微博危机公关为麦当劳带来的成效
  2.4.1 缩短了企业回应危机的反应时间
  2.4.2 提高了企业危机公关的效率
  3 星巴克在微博平台上的危机公关
  3.1 星巴克被批高价事件的微博危机公关策略分析
  3.1.1 星巴克高价事件回顾
  3.1.2 星巴克微博危机公关策略
  3.1.3 星巴克危机化解分析--危机应对要顺应消费者情感
  3.2 微博危机公关为星巴克带来的成效
  3.2.1 微博特有的“小号”模式增强了官方与非官方的互动性
  3.2.2 微博中意见领袖带动的病毒式传播加大企业危机公关的宣传力量
  4 微博平台上麦当劳与星巴克的危机公关带来的启示
  4.1 微博为企业危机公关带来机遇也带来挑战
  4.2 企业应重视与网友及时的互动交流
  5 结束语
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