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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-05 共1989字

  摘 要



  关键词 奖励旅游 运行系统 城市 西安


  As an important segmentation of the tourism market, incentive travel has thecharacteristics of high-end market, high-value consumption and large profit, and thusgets the favor of the tourist agencies. However, the incentive travel in China developsquiet slow. On one hand, it is because the enterprise clients’ limit knowledge of theincentive travel; on the other hand, it’s because the cooperation problem of theincentive tourist agencies. In fact, incentive travel is a kind of modern enterprisemanagement as well as a special tourist product, which could benefit the incentivetourist agencies, employees and the enterprise clients. After 30 years’ development,the city tourism in China faces the problem of how to lift the tourist quality andtransform the tourist pattern. Therefore, the development of high-end tourism isnecessary.

  This thesis follows the researching approach of “defining concept, literaturereview, system construction, countermeasure and suggestion”. Firstly, the concept,characteristic, the supply and demand of the incentive travel in China are analyzed;secondly, the existing research results of incentive travel and city tourism aregeneralized through the method of literature analysis; thirdly, trying to build the cityincentive travel system, then analyzing the operating mechanism and the industrychain; finally, conducting the empirical research of incentive travel in Xi’an andproposing pertinent suggestions. Besides, the major findings and limitations of thisthesis as well as the direction of further studies are analyzed at the end of the thesis.

  Keywords: incentive travel; operating system; city;Xi’an

    目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法

  1.4 研究框架

  第二章 奖励旅游的基础理论及国内外研究综述

  2.1 研究概念界定

  2.1.1 奖励旅游概念界定

  2.1.2 奖励旅游的特征

  2.1.3 相关概念的区别与联系

  2.2 国内外研究综述

  2.2.1 国外研究综述

  2.2.2 国内研究综述

  2.2.3 总结

  第三章 研究理论基础和相关概念界定

  3.1 城市旅游

  3.1.1 城市旅游概念界定

  3.1.2 城市竞争力

  3.1.3 城市旅游和奖励旅游

  3.2 奖励旅游相关要素分析

  3.2.1 奖励旅游的主要参与者

  3.2.2 奖励旅游购买决策的影响因素

  3.2.3 奖励旅游的供需现状

  第四章 城市奖励旅游运行系统基础理论研究

  4.1 城市奖励旅游运行系统的总体框架

  4.1.1 城市奖励旅游需求系统

  4.1.2 城市奖励旅游中介系统

  4.1.3 城市奖励旅游产品系统

  4.1.4 城市奖励旅游支持系统

  4.1.5 城市奖励旅游效益系统

  4.2 城市奖励旅游运行的机制

  4.2.1 推行奖励旅游计划的制定

  4.2.2 城市奖励旅游企业之间的联动

  4.3 城市奖励旅游产业链分析

  第五章 西安市奖励旅游运行系统分析

  5.1 西安市旅游概况

  5.2 西安市奖励旅游运行系统分析

  5.3 西安奖励旅游现状及问题

  5.3.1 西安奖励旅游现状

  5.3.2 西安市奖励旅游存在的问题

  第六章 西安市奖励旅游运行系统提升策略

  6.1 政府

  6.1.1 政策环境

  6.1.2 具体推动措施

  6.2 奖励旅游企业(旅行社)

  6.2.1 精心打造奖励旅游产品.

  6.2.2 采取多元化促销策略


  第七章 总结

  7.1 研究创新

  7.2 研究不足

  7.3 研究展望


  致 谢

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