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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-09-06 共2553字



  始于 2006 年,历时近 10 年的最新一次国际审计报告准则改革于 2015 年 1 月发布了最终准则定稿。此次国际审计与鉴证准则理事会关于国际审计报告准则的改革相关成果和最新审计思想对我国民间审计报告改革具有提纲挈领的指导作用,能否充分、深入学习和领悟相关改革成果直接关系到我国审计行业标准同国际审计行业标准的接轨和我国民间审计效用、效率和效益的提高。我国民间审计报告在同国际审计报告趋同的主旋律下,借鉴以报告使用者为中心的审计思想、借鉴以绩效类审计为导向的审计过程、借鉴定制长式审计报告形式的审计成果表现方法。并且应从国情出发,改进审计报告内容,审计报告形式,明晰民间审计报告责任,进一步转变和发挥民间审计报告作用。民间审计报告改进还要通过提高民间审计人员的综合素质、健全民间审计报告质量监管体系的方式保障改进成果。只有多管齐下,才能有效地推进我国民间审计报告改进工作。



  Audit report reflects audit idea, audit process and audit result. The audit report whether it is carried out the disclosure of a scientific audit directly influences audit value and users' decision-making.

  Independent audit is an important form besides state audit and internal audit.At this stage, there are many contradictions of independent audit in our country. It involves audit expectationgap of Chinese characteristics and information gap. These gaps result in the emergence of appeal to improve the usefulness of audit report and the adequacy of information. The users of audit report hope to communicate effectively with the CPAvia audit report .They also hope the CPAwould play a role in audit judgment and audit opinion in audit process, which can help report users to make decisions .

  Began in 2006, nearly 10 years of the latest in ternational audit standards reform in January2015 issued a final rule finalized. The interna tional audit and verification standards councilon the reform of the international audit standards related achievements and latest audit ideasof reform in our country independent audit report with a commanding summation guidance,can fully and in-depth study and understand relevant reform achievement is directly relatedto China's audit industry standard with international audit industry standards and China's folkaudit effectiveness, efficiency and benefit. Our country folk audit report under the them e ofconvergence with the internati onal audit report, the referen ce to the report of the auditthoughts of users as the center , the performance audit types oriented audit process, usingcustom long approach for audit report audit results in the form of expression. And we shoulddeparture from the national conditions, im prove the audit content, au dit report form, clearresponsibility, folk audit report further transf ormation and play a role of folk audit report.

  Improved by increasing even independent audit report audit personnel' s comprehensivequality, perfecting quality supervision system independent audit report way of improvementefforts. Only a m ulti-pronged, can effectively promote our country folk audit reportimprovement.

  Key words:improvement; audit report;international; country-specific

  目 录

  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及研究意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外文献综述
  1.2.1 国外文献综述
  1.2.2 国内文献综述
  1.2.3 国内外文献评述
  1.3 研究思路与研究方法
  1.3.1 研究思路
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 研究内容和创新之处
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 创新之处

  2 我国民间审计报告存在的不足及成因剖析
  2.1 我国民间审计报告形成过程和存在的不足
  2.1.1 审计报告存在期望差距
  2.1.2 审计报告存在信息差距
  2.2 我国民间报告审计现存不足点成因剖析
  2.2.1 审计关系中各方责任不明确
  2.2.2 审计费用与审计成本制约着审计报告的效用
  2.2.3 现阶段我国公司治理模式存在的不合理因素
  2.2.4 民间审计方式的缺陷

  3 国际审计报告准则改革的相关成果及其借鉴
  3.1 国际审计报告准则改革成果综述
  3.2 ISA701 号准则 关键审计事项
  3.2.1 综述
  3.2.2 在审计报告中披露关键审计事项的益处
  3.2.3 新的含有关键审计事项段审计报告使用的时间空间限定
  3.2.4 审计人员如何选择关键审计事项披露内容
  3.2.5 准则对审计报告中关键审计事项披露段内容的要求
  3.3 ISA570 号准则 持续经营
  3.3.1 综述
  3.3.2 审计报告如何处理持续经营披露
  3.3.3 加强审计人员对公司持续经营状况的审计精力投入
  3.3.4 审计报告中持续经营披露段未来改进趋势
  3.4 国际审计报告准则改革成果借鉴
  3.4.1 借鉴以报告使用者为中心的审计思想
  3.4.2 借鉴以绩效类审计为导向的审计过程
  3.4.3 借鉴定制长式审计报告形式的审计成果表现方法

  4 我国民间审计报告的改进
  4.1 民间审计报告内容的改进
  4.1.1 从信息数量和信息质量两个方面扩充民间审计报告内容
  4.1.2 从文字表述方式方面推动民间审计报告内容改进
  4.2 民间审计报告形式的改进
  4.3 进一步转变和发挥民间审计报告的作用
  4.4 明晰民间审计报告责任

  5 我国民间审计报告改进的保障机制
  5.1 提高民间审计人员的综合素质
  5.2 健全民间审计报告质量监管体系

  6 结论与展望
  致 谢

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