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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-25 共3185字


摘 要






  Migrant workers are a special group in the process of our country economic structuresystem change and social transformation, this group has an important role to break theurban and rural dual economic structure, accelerate the urban and rural areas. In thisbackground, the issue of migrant workers, especially the problem of their social insurancehas attracted more and more attention of the government and the community, the study ofthis problem has a very important practical significance. In the case of the increasing riskof urban life, the migrant workers in urgent need of a social insurance system to protecttheir lives, at the same time, to established a social insurance system is the government’sduty-bound duties. From the current situation of social insurance of the migrant workers,there are many problems, such as the level of social insurance is significantly lower,governments around the migrant workers’ social insurance system is not uniform, theoristson migrant workers’ social insurance model has not yet formed a unified point of view.

  This paper compares the migrant workers social insurance system of the typical urban,and found that Local governments around has much difference in the practice of socialinsurance for migrant workers; from the comparison and analysis of the social insurancesystem for migrant workers, service workers and farmers of the towns, we can see themigrant workers social insurance system is not perfect, and the legislation is in low level.

  Also under the leadership of the policy of the central government, local governmentsaround has build corresponding social insurance system for migrant workers, but migrantworkers insured enthusiasm is not high, the phenomenon of insured and surrenders isserious. So we analysis the sustainability of the existing migrant workers social insurancemodel, then found that the hierarchical classification migrant workers social insurancemodel is the most suitable mode for migrant workers. This approach not only take thestatus of migrant workers into account, but also conducive to reasonable division of thegovernment responsibilities, and constantly improve the level of the co-ordination of socialinsurance, docking between different cities, and between urban and rural social insurancesystem, smoothly realizing the future country co-ordination of the social insurance system.

  Key words: Migrant workers ; social security ; Government accountability ;Sustainability


  第 1 章 绪论
      1.1 研究的背景及意义
          1.1.1 研究的背景
          1.1.2 研究的意义
      1.2 国内外文献研究综述
          1.2.1 国外研究综述
          1.2.2 国内研究综述
      1.3 概念界定
          1.3.1 农民工的形成及特征
          1.3.2 农民工社会保险
          1.3.3 可持续性的理解
      1.4 研究框架和研究方法
          1.4.1 研究框架
          1.4.2 研究方法
      1.5 研究创新及未及深入之处
          1.5.1 研究创新
          1.5.2 研究未及深入之处
  第 2 章 农民工社会保险问题的基本认识
      2.1 农民工社会保险构建的理论基础
          2.1.1 社会排斥理论
          2.1.2 劳动力市场分割理论
          2.1.3 公平和效率理论
      2.2 农民工社会保险的责任主体界定
          2.2.1 中央及地方政府对农民工社会保险的责任
          2.2.2 企业对农民工社会保险的责任
          2.2.3 农民工自身的责任
      2.3 基本结论
          2.3.1 参加社会保险是农民工的诉求
          2.3.2 建立农民工社会保险体现了公平和效率原则
          2.3.3 建立农民工社会保险是城乡社会保险一体化的制度基础
  第 3 章 农民工社会保险制度运行及效果分析.15
      3.1 农民工社会保险制度与其他参保主体间的比较
          3.1.1 农民工社会保险制度
          3.1.2 农民社会保险制度
          3.1.3 城镇在职职工社会保险制度
          3.1.4 小结
      3.2 农民工社会保险制度运行的区域间比较
          3.2.1 上海市农民工社会保险制度及运行效果
          3.2.2 北京市农民工社会保险制度及运行效果
          3.2.3 广东省农民工社会保险制度及运行效果
          3.2.4 小结
      3.3 农民工社会保险制度不可持续的具体表现
          3.3.1 制度层面上农民工社会保险立法滞后
          3.3.2 运行效果上农民工参保率普遍偏低
          3.3.3 管理机制上农民工社会保险统筹层次较低
      3.4 农民工社会保险制度不可持续的原因分析
          3.4.1 政府管理职责缺失使各主体的社会保险制度对冲
          3.4.2 区域间政策分割使不可持续模式固化
          3.4.3 不同主体间的作为意愿不强烈使农民工社会保险迟迟未建立
          3.4.4 小结
  第 4 章 可持续的农民工社会保险制度模式的构建
      4.1 现有农民工社会保险模式的可持续性分析
          4.1.1 可持续性分析之制度设计角度
          4.1.2 可持续性分析之运行效果角度
          4.1.3 不同模式间的比较
      4.2 可持续农民工社会保险模式的基本判断
          4.2.1 分层分类农民工社会保险模式的构建
          4.2.2 分层分类农民工社会保险模式的制约性因素
      4.3 实现可持续的农民工社会保险模式的条件
          4.3.1 实现可持续的农民工社会保险模式的制度基础
          4.3.2 实现可持续的农民工社会保险模式的经济基础
  第 5 章 构建可持续的农民工社会保险的保障机制
      5.1 构建可持续的农民工社会保险的政府责任
          5.1.1 理清中央政府和地方政府的职责
          5.1.2 建立农民工社会保险的内外部监督激励机制
          5.1.3 完善农民工社会保险的立法并提高执行力
      5.2 构建可持续的农民工社会保险的政策建议
          5.2.1 构建农民工社会保险的异地转移机制
          5.2.2 提高社会保险的统筹层次
          5.2.3 对接现有的社会保险制度
          5.2.4 加快建立农村社会保险体系
      5.3 构建可持续的农民工社会保险时应解决的相关问题
          5.3.1 规范企业用工制度
          5.3.2 打破城乡分割的二元经济体制
          5.3.3 深化户籍制度改革

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