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来源:河南大学 作者:杨赛依
发布于:2019-01-18 共4237字

【【题目】】 婚约财产纠纷中的法律难题探析
  摘 要
  婚约作为我国一项传统的风俗习惯,在我国已有几千年历史,有着极为重要的地位。但是建国之后的立法一味地强调“破旧立新”,剔除封建主义思想、文化,对婚约制度采取了避而不谈的态度。然而民间的婚约现象并没有因此而消失,并且因婚约而引发的纠纷依然广泛存在,并且伴随人们生活水平的提高,婚约财产纠纷所涉及到的财产种类越来越多、财产价值越来越大,不仅有彩礼、首饰,一些案件中还有价值更高的房屋、汽车等,如果不能妥善解决将会激化当事双方的矛盾,对当事人、社会都会带来极大的负面影响。自 2004 年起开始施行的我国《婚姻法司法解释二》对彩礼返还规则做出了相关规定,实现了我国婚约彩礼规定从无到有的跨越,但因其规定模糊不清、不够明确充分,导致实务中案件处理时法官没有具体统一的裁判依据,自由裁量权过大,同案不同判现象严重。因此婚约财产纠纷中产生如此之多的问题,亟待立法的完善加以解决。

  As a traditional custom of our country, engagement has been a very important position in our countryfor thousands of years.However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the legislationemphasizes "abolishing the old and estab1ishing the new", which excludes the feudal ideology and culture,and adopts the attitude of avoiding the engagement.But the civic engagement phenomenon did notdisappear, engagement and the disputes caused by engagement are still widespread, and with theimprovement of people's living standard, there are more and more kinds of property involved in thedisputes over engagement property, and the value of property is getting bigger and bigger, not only thedowry, jewelry, but also some valuable houses and cars in some cases. If it can not be properly resolved, itwill intensify the contradictions between both concerned parties, and will have a great negative impact onthe parties and the society.Since 2004,China's Marriage Law Judicial Interpretation II has made relevantprovisions on the return rules of the bride price, and has realized the stipulation of the engagement betrothalgifts in China from scratch.However, because of its vague and unambiguous provisions, the judge has nospecific unified referee basis, too large discretion and serious differences in the case of the samecase.Therefore, there are so many problems arising from engagement disputes that we need to be improvedby legislation.
  By combing the typical cases in the practice, the main problems in the cases of engagement propertydispute are as follows: the scope of the reversion of the bride price is difficult to be determined, the existingrules of the reversion of the betrothal gifts are too abstract so that it is difficult to operate, the status of thelitigants in the case uncertainty, the agent's right to be misused, and so on. And the causes of these problemsare the lack of legislation, the insufficient theoretical research on the practice of the divorce dispute cases,and some prejudice and misunderstanding about the existence of the marriage habits in society.
  It is necessary to solve the problems in these practices.In order to solve the problems in practice, weshould not only have an objective and correct understanding of the engagement, but also understand thelegal basis of the settlement of the marriage dispute.Through the study of the nature of the marriagecontract, it is found that the engagement is contractual, but the engagement is a special kind of contract,which has a certain personal property and can produce moral rights and obligations to the parties.Andalthough the marriage contract is not the legal procedure of marriage, but in fact, there is a relationshipbetween the engagement and the marriage, it is a marriage agreement between men and women, nomarriage agreement in the marriage, there is no marriage.
  At present,most of the countries in the west that have the custom of engagement still adopt thelegislation to regulate the marriage contract. Through the summary and analysis of the legislative status ofthe engagement system in Taiwan and Germany, Switzerland and other countries, it is also necessary to reestablish the system of engagement in our country's kinship law. However, China is different from otherregions and countries, and based on different traditional folklore, historical development, religious beliefand legal background,in our country it is not suitable for engagement to remove damage compensationsystem to solve the engagement property disputes.
  Finally, on the basis of the above research and thinking, the legislative proposals on the legislation ofthe marriage system, the scope of the return of the bride price, the proportion of return, the rule of return,the parties to the disputes of the marital property disputes, and the restriction of the agent's agency rightsare put forward.This article hopes that the legislator will be able to include the marriage system in the civilcode marriage law in the future, standardize the marriage customs through the law, improve the rules of thereversion of the bride price, refine the rules of the reversion of the bride price, add the protection of no fault,and the protection of the rights and interests of women and other considerations.And the procedural lawshould also make clear that the parties to the marriage contract dispute case should be clearly defined. Theparties to the marriage contract should only be limited to the parties to the marriage contract. At the sametime, the agent's right of agency should be restricted clearly, and the parties must appear in person in personwithout special circumstances and prevent the abuse of the rights of the agent.It also suggests that typicalguidance cases should be issued before legislation, so as to solve problems arising from these practices asearly as possible.
  Keywords:The marriage contract, The bride price disputes, The return rules
  目 录
  摘 要.
  目 录.
  引 言


  结 语
原文出处:杨赛依. 我国婚约财产纠纷法律问题研究[D].河南大学,2018.
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