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来源:学术堂 作者:朱老师
发布于:2016-05-03 共3941字

  China's  unemployment  insurance  (UI)  prototype  was  born  in  mid-1980s,  in  theprocess  of  nearly  30  years  of  evolution,  it  has  made  an  indelible  contribution  toalleviating  the  problem  of  reemployment  and  maintaining  social  stability.  Because  oflate start and the vague understanding of UI function, the system design failed to meetsocial  development  needs  and  gradually  exposed  many  drawbacks,  such  as  long  termbenefits  payment  deadline,  lack  of  incentive  payment  method,  a  large  number  of  theirrational  fund  balances,  lack  of  investment  funds  for  reemployment  and  so  on,  whichseverely restricted the promoting reemployment function of UI. In 2006, the Ministry ofLabor  and  Social  Security  and  the  Ministry  of  Finance  tried  to  expand  UI  fundexpenditures range in eastern 7 provinces, which means the system started to transformfrom  'protecting  basic  life  oriented'  to  'promoting  employment  oriented'.  After  thesuccess achieved in these areas, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securityand the Ministry of Finance released related policies in 2009 and 2012, policies will beprolonged  to  the  time  when  State  Council  promulgated  the  revised  'Regulations  onUnemployment  Insurance',  in  order  to  alleviating  burden  on  businesses  and  reducingfund balances unreasonable malpractice, in 2015 the State Council stipulated reduce UIcontribution  rate,  efforts  to  promote  reemployment  of  UI  are  expected  to  be  furtherexpanded. Zhejiang is one of social security developed provinces, and it is one of pilots,this research conforms to the development trend of China's UI system, aim at problemsfrom this research and put forward measures can indicate the direction to improve UI inZhejiang,  and  promote  reform  of  China's  UI  system  to  help  more  unemployed  peopleout of trouble and realize social harmony.
  This  article  bases  on  introduction  of  UI  in  Zhejiang  and  unemployed  peoplereemployment situations in Zhejiang urban areas, then uses the method of longitudinalcomprehensive  evaluation  to  assess  the  promoting  reemployment  function  of  UI  inZhejiang from 2003 to 2013. The research finds that the development of comprehensivestrength  of  UI  in  Zhejiang  experiences  four  periods.  From  2003  to  2005,  it  is  weak,from 2006 to 2007, it is preliminary upgrades, from 2008 to 2009 it is weakened, from2010 to 2013, it is gradually strengthened. Per capita vocational training allowance levelis the most important reason why it changes. In a word, itgenerally achieves a transition from weak to strong. However, it also finds that UI in Zhejiang exists three problems inaspect of reemployment promotion, such as low extent of participation and benefit, lowper capita vocational training allowance level, poor effect of vocational introduction andvocational  training,  through  further  analysis,  it  finds  that  the  unreasonable  way  of  theuse of fund, the lack of incentive factors in system, the lack of substance services whichvocational  introduction  and  training  institutions  provide,  the  poor  awareness  ofgovernment, enterprises and UI agencies restrict the promoting reemployment functionof UI.
  Basing  on  other  pilots  and  foreign  experience,  the  author  puts  forward  targetedoptimization measures as follows, on the institutional level, design sub-file standard UIbenefits  and  raise  funds  for  reemployment  promotion  to  improve  the  way  of  UI  fundexpenditure,  in  addition,  add  job  subsidies,  enhance  relevance  of  UI  benefits  andreemployment services to strengthen linkage mechanism of  system  and  reemployment.On  the  organizational  level,  promote  the  province's  occupational  service  agenciescoalition  and  services  normalization  building  to  grow  the  strength  of  institutions  andenhance  the  skills  of  unemployed  people  reemployment,  through  responsibilityeducation  and  oversight  mechanisms  to  enhance  government  and  the  unemploymentinsurance  agencies  in  determination  and  payment  of  subsidies  in  the  sense  ofresponsibility,  commitment  to  promote  universal  insurance  registration  work,  targetedpropaganda  favorable  UI  policies,  increase  long-term  non-payment  of  UI  enterprisepunishment  to  enhance  the  enthusiasm  of  insured  for  UI  and  create  conditions  ofexertion of promoting reemployment function of UI.
  Keywords:  unemployment  insurance;  reemployment  promotion; longitudinalcomprehensive evaluation
  第一章 导言
  第一节 研究背景及意义
  第二节 相关文献综述及理论概述
  第三节 研究方法及内容
  第四节 创新及不足之处
  第二章 浙江省失业保险概况及城镇失业人员再就业现状
  第一节 浙江省失业保险概况
  第二节 浙江省城镇失业人员再就业现状
  第三章 浙江省失业保险再就业促进功能评估--基于纵向动态综合评价法
  第一节 纵向综合评价法基本概念及步骤
  第二节 评价指标选取
  第三节 分析过程
  第四节 结论
  第四章 浙江省失业保险在再就业促进方面存在的问题及原因分析
  第一节 存在的问题
  第二节 原因分析
  第五章 建议及展望
  第一节 完善失业保险制度内容
  第二节 加强组织责任意识培养及再就业服务规范化建设
  第三节 展望
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