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来源:吉林大学 作者:张楠雪
发布于:2017-02-22 共3050字
  摘 要
  本文首先对社交媒体、档案信息服务等概念进行界定和规范,并阐述了社交媒体的特点与优势。接着对社交媒体在档案信息服务中带来的益处与潜力进行理论研究,对现有国内外社交媒体在档案信息服务中发挥作用与价值的研究现状进行综述评价。然后基于社交媒体的档案信息服务的优化研究,选取微博、微信两种平台作为研究的数据来源。接着对档案机构在这两种社交媒体平台上的平台构建现状与服务发展情况,进行一系列数据的统计与分析。通过对社交媒体平台上档案信息服务的服务平台分析、服务影响分析与发布内容分析,在参考大众传播学领域 5W 模式的基础上进行档案信息服务优化研究。最后根据上述数据与理论的分析结果,针对档案信息服务提供端、档案信息服务媒介、档案信息服务评估与反馈这三方面提出优化策略。
  Our country is in the process of rapid development of informatization, as the Internetpenetration rate accelerated, the expansion of the base of Internet users and the rapiddevelopment of Internet technology, the people have not content with only from the real world ofaccess to various information of daily life, depend on social media of existence and developmentof the Internet becomes more and more love for Internet users and rely on. Network andintelligent terminal equipments for the increase of social media users provides the necessarymaterial base. Social media with its mobility and interactivity, real time, gradually spread to thenetwork user corner of every inch of life for people's daily activities and exchanges to create anew space. Social media has become the network user to gain another important platform forinformation service. If join the social media in the field of archives information service, it will beable to attract more archives information service users, will be for archival institutions' means ofinformation service, information service for an overall increase in influence, so as to ultimatelyachieve the purpose of enhance their core competitiveness .
  This paper firstly makes concept definitions and specifications to social media, archivesinformation service and so on, and expounds the characteristics and advantages of social media.
  Then makes theory study with social media in archives information service functions andinfluences, through to the existing domestic and foreign research status about social media inarchives information service functions and values were reviewed. For archives informationservice based on social media optimization research, the author selects MicroBlog, WeChat twoplatforms as a source of data for research. Then with the archival institutions build on MicroBlog,WeChat these two kinds of social media platforms, with their service developments, presentsituations, makes a series of data statistics and analysis. Based on the archives informationservice social media platforms, analyzes their service impacts and service contents, on the basisof 5w modes in archives information service optimization analysis. Finally according to the dataand theory analysis, from archives information service provider sides, archives informationservice media, archives information service evaluations and feedback these three aspects, putforward the optimization strategy.
  Introducing social media into archives information services, may achieve amazingcommunication effects, promote service experience of archives users, increase the influenceon archives information service on Internet users daily life .The purpose of this paper is to seekhow to make better social media and archives information service in combination, with the aid ofthe application of social media for the majority of the people new ways to provide more qualityand efficient services, to expand archives information service scope of radiation, to increase thestatus of archives information service in the era of information development , play a better role tothe archives information service of social service and application value in the network virtual lifeand actual life.
  Social Media, Archival Information Resources, Archives Information Service

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.2.1 理论意义
  1.2.2 实践意义
  1.3 研究方法
  1.4 研究内容
  1.5 研究创新点
  第 2 章 理论基础与国内外研究现状
  2.1 理论基础与概念内涵
  2.1.1 社交媒体
  2.1.2 档案信息服务
  2.1.3 大众传播 5W 模式
  2.2 国内外研究现状
  2.2.1 国内研究现状
  2.2.2 国外研究现状
  2.2.3 研究述评
  第 3 章 社交媒体平台的档案信息服务现状分析
  3.1 社交媒体平台的档案信息服务的数据调查分析
  3.1.1 服务平台分析
  3.1.2 服务影响分析
  3.1.3 发布内容分析
  3.2 社交媒体平台的档案信息服务的问题及存因分析
  第 4 章 5W 模式下的档案信息服务优化途径
  4.1 控制优化
  4.2 内容优化
  4.3 媒介优化
  4.4 受众优化
  4.5 效果优化
  第 5 章 档案社交媒体平台信息服务优化策略
  5.1 档案信息服务提供端
  5.1.1 档案信息资源建设:扎实推进
  5.1.2 档案服务用户需求:增加重视
  5.1.3 档案馆藏资源连通:大力提升
  5.1.4 档案服务管理政策:循序制定
  5.2 档案信息服务媒介
  5.2.1 目标明确:重视社交媒体平台的运用
  5.2.2 运用优势:发挥社交媒体平台的吸引力
  5.2.3 拓展媒介:开发档案信息服务类 APP
  5.3 档案信息服务评估与反馈
  第 6 章 结论与展望
  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 研究展望
  致 谢
原文出处:张楠雪. 基于社交媒体的档案信息服务优化研究[D].吉林大学,2016.
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