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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-26 共3129字








  New Oriental Education & Technology Group set up in November 16, 1993 bythe Beijing New Oriental school development. As an outstanding representative ofChina's private education and training industry, along with the reform and openingup economic development opportunities, New Oriental become has accumulatedtraining education and training institutions more than 4.5 million passengers, fromthe beginning of the creation of only twenty or thirty students. In September 7, 2006,listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States, New Oriental becamethe first company in the overseas of Chinese enterprises in education and training.

  Although New Oriental has been the leading position related to the private educationindustry, there are problems, such as the contradiction between the excessiveexpansion and talent shortage, single marketing means, unsuccessful brandexpansion and unbalanced business development in its internal; and the examination,examination or visa policy adjustment and other factors in its external. All of thesewill have a great impact on the New Oriental Business. Especially after 2007,favored by overseas investment in education and training market in China, it alsobrought great pressure of market competition to the New Oriental.

  In this paper, taking the development strategy of the New Oriental Education &Technology Development Group as the research object, first introduce the theoryand study status of enterprise development and education related; and then analyzein-depth the group's external development environment, development status andinternal conditions, after that review the development strategy of New Oriental.

  Finally, on the basis of summing up the experiences, analyze its strengths andweaknesses, discuss how to face the opportunities and challenges under the newsituation, or overcome their own weaknesses; establish the development directionand new development strategy.

  The author analyzes the policy environment of private education industry in ourcountry and the internal factors of the development of New Oriental. Adopting theinvestigation method, experience summary method and other diverse researchmethods, this paper makes a comprehensive and objective analysis, positioning anew development strategy of the New Oriental Education & Technology Group.

  The results show that: the external competition becoming increasingly fierceand the internal problems gradually, New Oriental should make full use of itsexcellent brand reputation. In the circumstances of the external competitionbecoming increasingly fierce and the internal problems gradually showing up, NewOriental should make full use of its excellent brand reputation, play advantages andaccelerate the introduction and cultivation of talents. At the same time, overcomingits weaknesses, finding and solving problems, New Oriental should grasp the marketopportunity, realize the strategic target, and obtain considerable development andprogress more steadily.

  Key words:New Oriental School, Privately-Run Schools, Development Strategy

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 研究背景…… 1

  1.2 研究内容…… 1

  1.3 研究方法…… 2

  1.4 论文结构…… 3

  第 2 章 相关理论及研究现状综述…… 5

  2.1 企业发展战略相关理论…… 5

  2.1.1 企业发展战略的概念及本质特征…… 5

  2.1.2 企业发展战略的意义及对企业的作用…… 6

  2.2 教育行业发展相关理论…… 9

  2.2.1 面向市场的教育理念…… 9

  2.2.2 何为民办教育…… 10

  2.3 本章小结…… 11

  第 3 章 新东方教育科技集团的发展环境及条件分析…… 12

  3.1 我国民办教育发展现状分析…… 12

  3.1.1 国内民办教育行业发展概况…… 12

  3.1.2 国内民办教育细分市场分析…… 14

  3.2 国内民办教育行业的政策环境分析…… 18

  3.2.1 财政性教育经费支出占到 GDP 的 4% …… 18

  3.2.2 中外合作办学境外文凭将实行认证制…… 19

  3.2.3 民办高校获得研究生招生资格…… 19

  3.2.4 教育部启动学前教育立法项目…… 19

  3.3 新东方教育科技集团发展现状分析…… 20

  3.3.1 新东方教育科技集团现行的教育体系…… 20

  3.3.2 2013 财年第二季度单季亏损上千万美元 …… 23

  3.4 新东方教育科技集团内部条件分析…… 26

  3.4.1 内部结构和教师构成…… 26

  3.4.2 企业文化…… 29

  3.4.3 市场营销能力…… 29

  3.4.4 品牌研究及开发…… 31

  3.4.5 经营成本分析…… 32

  3.5 新东方教育科技集团的优势和劣势分析…… 33

  3.5.1 经营优势…… 33

  3.5.2 发展劣势…… 35

  3.6 本章小结…… 36

  第 4 章 新东方教育科技集团发展战略选择…… 37

  4.1 新东方教育科技集团发展战略回顾与评析…… 37

  4.1.1 新东方教育科技集团的发展简况分析…… 37

  4.1.2 新东方教育科技集团的重要发展战略…… 38

  4.1.3 新东方教育科技集团发展战略评析…… 42

  4.2 新东方教育科技集团面临的机遇和挑战…… 45

  4.2.1 4%的教育财政经费对民办教育的考验…… 45

  4.2.2 企业的发展重心既包括拓展市场也包括内部建设…… 46

  4.2.3 课堂式教学与网络式教学的主流性选择…… 48

  4.2.4 民办教育在体制教育潮流下的选择…… 49

  4.2.5 国际化的环境给中国教育培训行业带来发展机会…… 50

  4.3 新东方教育科技集团发展战略定位…… 51

  4.3.1 总体目标截止到 2012 年…… 51

  4.3.2 分阶段目标…… 51

  4.3.3 分业务目标…… 52

  4.4 新东方教育科技集团未来发展战略…… 52

  4.4.1 推行产业化的同时谨慎扩张…… 52

  4.4.2 将人才建设放在首位…… 53

  4.4.3 抓好产品创新与促销战略…… 53

  4.4.4 严抓教学质量,注重品牌建设…… 54

  4.4.5 本章小结…… 55

  第 5 章 新东方教育科技集团发展战略保障措施…… 57

  5.1 新东方教育科技集团的组织保障…… 57

  5.2 新东方教育科技集团的资源保障…… 57

  5.3 新东方教育科技集团的政策保障…… 58

  第 6 章 结论…… 60

  6.1 主要研究内容…… 60

  6.2 未来研究展望…… 61

  参考文献…… 63

  致 谢…… 66

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