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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-06 共2373字

【题目】 失独父母养老问题探析
  摘 要
  关键词: 失独 失独家庭 养老
  Since China executes family planning, family structure has miniaturized. It hasslowed down our population , delayed advent of peak fertility and contributed greatlyto our economic growth and social development. The policy of the family planningindirectly increased in the number of family lost the only child due to some accident.
  With China's surge in the number of family lost the only child, their parents hasstepped into the stage of old-aged society and their pension problem has become oneof the most important issues of social concerns. And this is research keystone in thispaper. With the surge in the number of family lost the only child, their viewpoints onpension has changed and their demands have increased. Facing this challenging issue,we should access their condition, matters, and clearly define responsibilities forfamily lost the only child. Only do this, can we solve their pension problems.
  This paper mainly includes three parts:
  First part: Author introduces related concepts and the content of family lost theonly child. Then indicates its three characteristics and main causes. And we facehuge pressure on pension. Finally, author introduces their changing need in their lifeand spirit.
  Second part: Author researches the major problems in pension from threerespects-state, society and individuals. And analyzes the reasons from country andgovernment. First reason is the lacking of attention of government which leads tofunds can't come to the position. Second reason is the policy is not perfect whichresults in lacking of insurance and service system.
  Third part: Basing on these reasons about pension, author makes proposals onpension issue of family lost the only child. Then it can ensures their pension: establishold-age community, adjust the family planning policy, comprehensively carry outSecond Child Plan, complete the system of government support, public assistance,and community self-government in the issue of family lost the only child.
  Key Words: Lost the only child Family lost the only child Pension

  0.1 选题目的和意义
  0.1.1 理论意义
  0.1.2 现实意义
  0.2 研究现状
  0.2.1 国内研究现状
  0.2.2 国外研究现状
  0.3 研究方法
  0.4 本文创新点
  1 失独家庭现状概述
  1.1 失独家庭基本概况
  1.1.1 失独家庭及养老相关概念的界定
  1.1.2 失独家庭产生的原因
  1.2 失独家庭的现状
  1.2.1 失独家庭数量庞大
  1.2.2 经济压力大生活困难
  1.2.3 养老倾向于机构养老
  1.2.4 精神痛苦心里憔悴
  2 失独家庭养老存在问题以及原因分析
  2.1 目前我国针对失独家庭养老所获得的成就
  2.1.1 经济补助让他们摆脱生活的困境
  2.1.2 帮扶制度使失独家庭获得心里的慰藉
  2.2 失独家庭养老存在的问题
  2.2.1 独立养老机构的缺失
  2.2.2 失独家庭养老需求无法满足
  2.2.3 失独家庭养老结构不健全
  2.3 失独家庭养老存在问题的原因分析
  2.3.1 物价水平高导致养老成本增加
  2.3.2 国家养老保险制度不健全
  2.3.3 失独家庭养老服务体系的缺失
  2.3.4 失独家庭养老观念的变化
  3 有效解决失独家庭养老问题的建议和对策
  3.1 进一步加大养老资金的投入
  3.1.1 国家加大财政资金的投入
  3.1.2 积极引导社会资金的注入
  3.1.3 成立养老基金,提高资金的使用效益
  3.2 建立健全失独家庭养老制度
  3.2.1 逐步建立失独家庭养老专项保险制度
  3.2.2 统一地方法制法规促使其规范化
  3.2.3 完善失独家庭养老服务设施
  3.2.4 创新失独家庭养老方式
  3.2.5 调整计划生育政策实施并完善二胎制度
  3.3 完善失独家庭养老服务社会保障体系
  3.3.1 完善失独家庭养老服务政府扶助体系
  3.3.2 完善失独家庭养老服务社会救助体系
  3.3.3 完善失独家庭养老服务社区自助体系
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