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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-09 共2219字
  摘 要
  传统的学生管理模式,不仅需要耗费大量的人力物力,还极其容易出现错误,特别是在学生的成绩管理这一方面,传统的管理方法已经无法适应庞大的学生人数和繁复的科目划分。基于以上理论基础,本次研究旨在设计一个基于 Java Web开发技术的网上学生成绩管理系统,方便学生随时随地查看自己的成绩,修改自己的学生信息,也方便教师录入学生成绩以及管理员维护系统。
  基于 Java Web 的学生成绩管理系统的研究与开发,是采用 Java Web,在网络上构建一个动态的成绩管理过程。本次研究采用 B/S 三层架构的模式,即浏览器和服务器架构,使用 Struts 开源框架实现 MVC 三层模式进行开发。在数据库连接方面采用 JDBC-ODBC 桥驱动程序,采用的关系数据库为 SQLServer 2005,整体开发环境我们选择的是 Eclipse.
  Java Web,管理系统,成绩,Struts,数据库
  In today's world, if you want to judge the development of the level of assessmentof a country and the progress, so the importance of education will be an importantconsideration. As China's economy continues to improve, the state government ismore and more attention to education, and with the increasing number of education,management of students of different levels of colleges and universities is becomingmore and more difficult, we need to think about how to solve the simple and efficientstudent management work.
  The traditional student management mode, not only need to spend a lot ofmanpower and material resources, but also very prone to error, especially theperformance management in the students on the one hand, the traditional managementmethods have been unable to adapt to the number of the students in the huge andcomplicated subjects. Based on the above theory, the aim of this study was to designan online student performance management system based on Java Web developmenttechnology, which is convenient for students to check their grades whenever a ndwherever possible, modify student information, but also is convenient for teachers toinput student achievement as well as the administrator for the maintenance of thesystem.
  Research and development of student achievement management system Javabased on Web, is the use of Java Web, the construction of performance managementin a dynamic process in the network. This study uses B/S three layer structure mode,namely the browser and server architecture, the use of open source Struts frameworkfor the realization of the MVC three layer model for development. In the databaseconnection using JDBC-ODBC bridge driver, using the relational database SQLServer 2005 integrated development environment, we choose Eclipse.
  With the development of society, the educational institutions to use electronicmanagement system has been more and more popular online management, save a lotof unnecessary trouble, but also improve the management efficiency, reducemanagement errors. That student achievement management system for thedevelopment of this institute, will have great development space in the futuremanagement of colleges and universities.
  Java Web, manage ment system, performance, Struts , Database

  目 录

  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究现状
  1.3 研究意义与目标
  1.4 全文组织结构
  1.5 本章小结
  第二章 基础知识及相关设计原理
  2.1 Java 相关技术简介
  2.1.1 Java 简介
  2.1.2 JSP 技术简介
  2.1.3 JDBC 简介
  2.2 B/S 模式分析
  2.3 Struts 框架
  2.4 Servlet 技术
  2.5 开发工具介绍
  2.5.1 Eclipse 介绍
  2.5.2 SQL Server 2005 介绍
  2.6 本章小结
  第三章 开发的可行性与需求分析
  3.1 可行性分析
  3.1.1 技术可行性
  3.1.2 经济可行性
  3.1.3 操作可行性
  3.1.4 时间可行性
  3.1.5 法律可行性
  3.2 需求分析
  3.2.1 功能需求
  3.2.2 运行需求
  3.2.3 数据需求
  3.3 本章小结
  第四章 系统分析与总体设计
  4.1 系统结构设计
  4.2 系统功能模块设计
  4.3 系统流程设计
  4.3.1 普通用户流程设计
  4.3.2 超级用户流程设计
  4.4 数据库设计
  4.5 本章小结
  第五章 系统的详细设计与实现
  5.1 连接数据库
  5.2 系统界面的搭建与登录的实现
  5.2.1 系统界面的设计与实现
  5.2.2 登录功能实现
  5.3 学生功能实现
  5.4 教师功能实现
  5.4.1 成绩功能实现
  5.4.2 其他信息查询
  5.5 管理员功能实现
  5.6 本章小结
  第六章 总结与展望
  6.1 工作总结
  6.2 研究展望
  致 谢
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