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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-09 共3271字

  Agriculture is the basic industry and pillar industry of the economicdevelopment of our country, and irrigation and water conservancy facilities is thebasis and guarantee of agricultural development, but also to solve the “three ruralissues” of a key ring.In frequent floods and droughts, water resource shortagesituation is grim, strengthen the government responsibility and obligation in theconstruction and management of irrigation and water conservancy facilities, establishand market economy to adapt to the modern agricultural management and operationmechanism, is the key to improve the farmland water-saving irrigation efficiency andpromote water conservancy modernization and sustainable utilization means, andensure food safety of our country and realize the efficient, economic and conservationof agricultural modernization of effective measures.
  At present, formulated in terms of water conservancy in China governmentliability provisions of laws, regulations, norms can said the number of different, suchas the flood control law, “water law”, “regulation of river administration, the smallreservoir management approach” and so on, on China's water conservancy facilitiesconstruction and management and development hair waving a huge role.But moreconstruction and governance of liability to the government, the government inviolation of the provisions of the law should bear the legal responsibility provides lessand agricultural production is closely related to the irrigation and water conservancyconstruction and management is lack of specialized backbone law or administrativerules and regulations and management mechanism, the provisions of theresponsibility of government is rare, the irrigation and water conservancy facilities inthe status and the status of the legal protection of the absence and lack of governmentresponsibility.Based on this, this paper from the perspective of governmentresponsibility to elaborate farmland and water conservancy facilities construction andgovernance issues. On the responsible government and the government environmentalresponsibility theory, new public service theory, through the analysis of the Chinesegovernment the legal problems of the status quo of the construction and managementof irrigation and water conservancy, and performing that the absence of the lack ofgovernment responsibility and the related legal system is the fundamental cause of thesupply of water conservancy in China is not in place, therefore, the strengthenedgovernment responsibility is the key to break the current our country farmland waterconservancy supply difficulties.Then analyzes the is borne by the Chinesegovernment in the construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy indecision-making, planning, management, and all levels of the government's role; andtaking the opportunity improve China's legal norms in the management andmaintenance of the farmland water conservancy and implementing the government'sresponsibility, realize the modernization of water conservancy development,guarantee the capacity of agricultural production and the improvement of nationalfood security put forward reasonable suggestions.
  Keywords: agriculture;water conservancy facilities;current situation and problemsofconstruction and governance;government responsibility

  一 背景和意义
  二 国内外文献综述
  三 研究方法
  四 创新性
  第一章 我国农田水利设施建设治理中有关政府责任的基本理论
  第一节 相关理论综述
  一 责任政府与政府环境责任
  二 新公共服务理论
  三 公共产品理论
  第二节 农田水利基础设施的属性特征
  一 农田水利设施的外部性与生态效益属性
  二 农田水利设施的公共产品属性
  第三节 我国政府农田水利设施建设和治理的责任主体地位
  一 中央和地方各级政府的行为逻辑分析
  二 我国政府农田水利设施建设和治理的责任主体地位
  第二章 我国政府在农田水利设施建设中存在的问题及原因分析
  第一节 我国政府在农田水利设施建设治理中存在的问题
  一 政府农田水利设施投资 决策 规划现状
  二 政府农田水利管理机制不健全
  三 农田水利基层执法队伍质量薄弱
  四 农田水利立法中政府责任缺失
  第二节 我国政府农田水利建设治理责任缺失的原因分析
  一 农田水利立法缺乏基干法律或法规、立法滞后
  二 我国政府农田水利执法机制不健全
  三 缺乏必要的监督和监察
  四 地方政府农田水利设施建设和管护观念淡薄
  五 政府之间及政府与民众之间的博弈
  第三章 我国农田水利建设和治理的有效途径:强化政府责任
  第一节 强化政府农田水利水利设施建设和治理责任的必要性
  一 农田水利设施对农业发展的重要性是强化政府责任的必然要求
  二 农田水利的公共产品属性决定着强化政府责任的必然性
  三 农田水利工程对生态环境的影响要求必须强化政府的责任
  第二节 我国政府农田水利建设和治理责任分析
  一 我国政府在农田水利建设和治理中的责任构成
  二 地方各级政府在农田水利建设中的角色定位
  第四章 强化政府农田水利设施建设和治理责任的法律机制建议
  第一节 各级政府应树立正确的农田水利发展理念
  第二节 完善政府施建设和治理农田水利设责任的法律制度
  一 健全政府水利投入融资机制的法律措施和制度
  二 加强农田水利监督、确保政府责任落实的法律规范措施
  三 严格政府水利建设规划与实施、保障水利生态环境安全
  四 完善农田水利立法 明确政府责任、健全法律责任追究制度
  五 建立健全农田水利建设环境影响评价制度及生态农田水利建设
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