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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-15 共3811字

  摘 要







  With China becoming the second largest economy in the world, the consumption andexperience of culture has become increasingly important and prominent Creative in-dustries, which take culture as the object of consumption and as the carrier of commu-nication, are the driving force behind China's future economic development The Phoe-nix bird pattern has been one of the symbolic totems of the Han nationality since ancienttimes Taking the phoenix pattern as an example, this paper tries to analyze and sort outthe shape of phoenix pattern in different periods through the occurrence, developmentand evolution of phoenix pattern as well as the change of symbolic implication, andintegrate its shape and shape characteristics with product function attributes This paperexplores the application space of traditional graphics in Contemporary Museum crea-tive product design, and provides reference for future research and design practice ofrelated topics

  On the basis of learning and drawing lessons from the existing research results, thispaper uses many perspectives and research methods such as design, iconography, his-tory and culture to analyze The framework of this paper includes four parts: the firstpart is to analyze the application background and current situation of traditionalgraphics in Contemporary Museum creative product design, to understand the currentsituation of research in this field and its prominent problems, and to provide a basis forfollow-up research; the second part is to trace the origin of Phoenix graphics, excavatethe symbolic and cultural implications behind Phoenix graphics, and from the shapecharacteristics This paper summarizes the unique characteristics of phoenix pattern indifferent periods, carries out morphological analysis of its artistic form and condensesthe overall shape characteristics of the pattern; the third part is the practice part, throughthe research and accumulation of the first two chapters, carries out a more comprehen-sive overall control of the traditional Phoenix pattern This part tries to integrate tradi-tional Phoenix bird sculpture with modern new technology, new art forms and newmethods, and combine the needs of specific consumer groups to create works of art anddesign products that meet their functional needs and aesthetic demands The fourth partis about the trend, development and suggestions and prospects of the application oftraditional graphics in future museum creative products

  Chinese traditional patterns have a long history and brilliant achievements How to in-herit and innovate them is the historical responsibility of contemporary designers Itwill be an effective way to promote the development of cultural and creative industriesin museums by transforming the traditional Chinese elements represented by Phoenixbird graphics into creative contemporary visual elements and combining them with cul-tural and creative products of museums to obtain commercial protection and benefitsand at the same time to disseminate national traditional culture

  KEYWORDS:Phoenix Graphics, Museum Creative Products, Design

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 传统图形在博物馆文创产品设计中运用背景和现状

  1.1.1 传统图形在博物馆文创产品设计中的运用背景

  2017 年国务院办公厅印发了《关于实施中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程的意见》。该条例指出文化是民族认同感中最具有鲜活的血液、最基本最深层次的力量。在组织实施和保障措施中指出鼓励将传统文化与经济相结合,加强对中华优秀传统文化的扶持和发展,注重政策措施的系统性协同性操作性。这一条例为传统文化的发展带来了崭新的机遇,传统图形是传统文化的重要组成部分,是历代人民的智慧结晶,更是历代社会、文化、审美的缩影。凤鸟图形是传统图形中最具代表性的图形之一,是民族信仰的重要组成部分。从新石器时代的陶器上的凤鸟图形到当今以凤鸟为主题的各种样式的商品,它根植于每一个中国人的内心。凤鸟图形的发展和演变与中国传统图形发展历程是一脉相承的,是中华民族东方审美和价值体系的最典型的载体。现代艺术设计是受到全球多元文化影响且是一个开放的领域,不同历史时空中的文化因子都会对当下的艺术发展注入新鲜的血液,带来新的创新发展。继承传统、关注本土才能够更好的迎接这种挑战。如何将传统文化中的内涵与现代设计样式相融合,是当下设计师所必需思考的。

  博物馆文化创意产业是一个新兴产业,它是由博物馆文物复原仿制纪念商品发展而来的。它伴随着社会发展以及人们消费升级的变革应运而生,当下人们对品质消费、文化消费和体验消费的需求越来越大,因此传统的博物馆文物复仿制与纪念品不再能够满足并适应市场。我们急需一种集文化创意、实用与审美功能于一身的博物馆文创产品。博物馆文化 IP 众多,如何将沉睡数百年甚至千年的文物重新“激活”,在新时代焕发出新的生机,是我们当下的责任与义务。



  1.1.2 传统图形在博物馆文创产品设计中的运用现状
  1.2 传统图形在博物馆文创产品设计运用中的问题
  1.3 传统图形在博物馆文创产品设计中的应用价值和意义
  1.4 文献综述
  1.5 研究方法

  第二章 凤鸟图形的起源、演变与造型特征

  2.1 凤鸟图形的起源与象征内涵
  2.1.1 凤鸟图形的起源
  2.1.2 凤鸟图形的内涵
  2.2 凤鸟图形的造型发展演变
  2.2.1 夏代凤鸟图形神秘庄重
  2.2.2 商代凤鸟图形庄严肃穆
  2.2.3 西周凤鸟图形严谨有序
  2.2.4 春秋战国凤鸟图形自由奔放
  2.2.5 秦汉凤鸟图形雄健华丽
  2.2.6 魏晋南北朝凤鸟图形轻盈生动
  2.2.7 隋唐凤鸟图形富丽庄重
  2.2.8 宋元凤鸟图形丰富多样
  2.2.9 明清凤鸟图形吉祥寓意
  2.3 凤鸟图形的造型特征
  2.3.1 简洁与概括
  2.3.2 寓意与象征
  2.3.3 变化与统一

  第三章 陕西历史博物馆凤鸟主题文创产品设计实践

  3.1 项目实践内容与计划
  3.2 调研报告
  3.3 凤鸟主题元素在博物馆文创产品中的应用
  3.3.1 凤鸟主题元素在女性饰品设计上的应用
  3.3.2 凤鸟主题元素在装饰设计中的应用
  3.3.3 传统纹饰与凤鸟主题元素在日用品设计中的应用
  3.3.4 凤鸟主题元素在招贴设计中的应用
  3.4 凤凰于飞—凤鸟主题作品展示
  3.4.1 凤凰于飞—凤鸟主题公共空间装饰画展示
  3.4.2 凤凰于飞—凤鸟主题文创产品展示

  第四章 结论

  4.1 博物馆文创产品开发重在创意
  4.2 博物馆文创产品设计原则
  4.3 传统图形在博物馆未来文创设计中的展望


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