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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-10-18 共3161字




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  建筑信息模型(BuildingInformationModeling,简称 BIM)作为一种新兴技术,以其能提高工作效率、节省资源、降低成本、实现可持续发展的特点在建筑业中得到了广泛应用。

  BIM 是建筑物及其相关信息的可计算表示,它提供建筑物内物体的虚拟视图,包括物理几何(二维或三维)和其他功能参数。与 CAD 的参数化模型所不同的是,BIM是基于对象的参数化模型,并通过物理参数和功能参数来表示对象。BIM 通过多方协作,能有效提高工作效率。BIM 系统可以生成有用的数据来优化项目交付过程。

  本文通过查阅相关文献和实际案例研究分析,探索 BIM 技术在施工成本管理中应用障碍的原因,并分析产生原因的因素,制定解决方案,以推动 BIM 技术在施工成本管理中的应用,提高成本的精细化管理。本文主要的研究工作如下:

  1、施工成本管理阶段引入 BIM 技术。采用对比分析法,首先分析了传统的施工成本管理中存在的问题,随后对基于 BIM 技术的施工成本管理过程进行了深入剖析,从面总结出后者的优势。

  2、基于 BIM 技术的施工成本管理案例研究与分析。以西南科技大学安县校区为实例,对 BIM 技术在该项目中的应用进行了研究和分析,从 3D 模型的搭建、算量到BIM5D 的应用,详细分析了 BIM 在该项目成本管理中的应用,体现出了 BIM 的应用价值。

  3、BIM 技术在施工成本管理中应用障碍的原因及解决方案。针对案例应用过程中发现的 BIM 技术在项目的应用中存在范围不广、深度不够、效益不明显等问题,分析了问题产生的原因析,并提出了解决方案。



  The construction industry has experienced several centuries of development, in whichthere are various challenges. In order to make the construction process faster, safer, cheaperand more accurate, researchers have been seeking innovative solutions. However, it is nowbelieved that building information modeling (BIM) can improve efficiency.

  Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new technology in architecture, engineeringand construction industry. BIM is a computational representation of buildings and relatedinformation. It provides virtual views of objects in buildings, including physical geometry(two-dimensional or three-dimensional) and other functional parameters. Different from theparameterized model of CAD, BIM is based on the parameterized model of object, andrepresents object by physical and functional parameters. Through incremental collaboration,the data in BIM systems is very useful and can be generated to optimize the project deliveryprocess.

  At present, there are some problems in the application of BIM technology in our country,such as the scope is not wide, the depth is not enough, and the benefit is not obvious. Throughconsulting relevant literature and case studies, this paper explores the reasons for theobstacles in the application of BIM technology in construction cost management, analysesthe causes, and formulates solutions, so as to promote the application of BIM technology inconstruction cost management and improve the fine management of cost. The main researchwork of this paper is as follows:

  1. Introduce BIM technology in construction cost management stage. By analyzing theproblems existing in the traditional construction cost management and comparing theconstruction cost management after introducing BIM technology, the advantages of BIMtechnology in the construction cost management are reflected.

  2. Case study and analysis of construction cost management based on BIM technology.

  Taking Anxian Campus of Southwest University of Science and Technology as an example,the application of BIM technology in this project is studied and analyzed. From theconstruction of 3D model to the calculation to the application of BIM5D, the application ofBIM in cost management of this project is analyzed in detail, which embodies the applicationvalue of BIM.

  3. Reasons and solutions of the obstacles in the application of BIM technology in construction cost management. Through case study, it is found that there are still manyproblems in the application of BIM technology in the project. By consulting the relevantliterature, the causes of the problems are analyzed, and the solutions are put forward.

  Key words: BIM technology; construction engineering; cost management

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